Apple TV: How to import your own drone footage or other videos

Filip Němeček
2 min readDec 23, 2020


Apple TV by default does not allow the customization of the built-in screensavers. However you can get a 3rd party app to help you out.

Let’s see how to do this. First get free iOS app Chill Zones on your iPhone. This will allow you to import and upload to your iCloud any kind of video. For example the already mentioned drone footage or maybe some promotional videos for you store?

Next download Chill Zones for the Apple TV. Once you launch the app, it will load all the uploaded videos and you can then play them in a loop. This requires you use the same iCloud account on your iPhone and Apple TV. So keep that in mind.

And that is all there is to “feeding” your own videos to Apple TV. Chill Zones even support 4K videos but keep in mind that these will take a longer to upload, load and will take up more space in your iCloud account.

Get Chill Zones on the App Store.

