How to create custom video screensavers for Apple TV [with free app!]

Filip Němeček
3 min readAug 24, 2020


Apple TV offers great variety of built-in screensavers featuring aerial, underwater and more. But if you want something custom there is not a built-in way to achieve that. Fortunately there is an app for that and is free.

The app is called Chill Zones and can be used to create custom “screensavers” from your own videos. In this post let’s see how to create video screensavers for Apple TV.

1) Download Chill Zones for iOS

First download Chill Zones for your iPhone and use the app to create as many screensavers as you want. They are limited only by the size of your iCloud plan where are the videos stored.

It is easy to use

2) Download Chill Zones for Apple TV

Next step is to download Chill Zones for your Apple TV from the App Store on the device. Since you already have iOS version, the app should be available in the “Purchased” section.

Once you open the app it will show you the available screensavers and you can play them in a smooth loop.

That is it!

You can use this to create video screensavers of your favorite spots in countryside for example. Or even create your own fireplace or aquarium screensaver. With Chill Zones the selection of custom screensavers if basically infinite.

If you have tripod, I would highly recommend using it to shoot your videos. However it is not required, current iPhones have great video stabilization and with steady enough hand you can achieve great results. I had great success shooting video of pond near our town or nice spots in a green forest. Anything that does not have a lot of movement will work great and you can feed those videos to your Apple TV easily.

Chill Zones is available on the App Store. You can use the QR code below.

Getting your videos to Apple TV has never been simpler.
Chill Zones iOS and Apple TV apps
Chill Zones iOS and Apple TV apps

